New to Salesforce
Step off the Certification Hamsterwheel

Months To Job:

The Only Salesforce Career Metric that Matters

You COULD try for yet another Certification. Or you can unlock your new Salesforce Job with the Talent Stacker Salesforce Career Development Program. Want to find out what your MTJ (Months To Job) number is? Consult our Career Sherpa!  How quickly do YOU want your Salesforce job?

Months To Job: From Starting With Talent Stacker To Landing A Salesforce Job.

Months To Job:  2

Josie Kelley

$65k-$75k Months To Job:  1

Jiyaad Naeem

$100k+ Months To Job:  2

Hugh Richardson

$75k-$85k Months To Job:  3

Akhilaa Susheela


Our Alumni Now Work At:

PWC png File
Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Orion Global Solutions
Legal Zoom
Fast Slow Motion
Slalom Consulting
Deloitte TT Ltd.
CLM Gurus
Coastal Cloud
How many months will it take you to get a job at one of these awesome companies? Find Out Now

Why MTJ* is the ONLY Metric That Counts for Aspiring Salesforce Professionals

*MTJ: Months To Job
It's the only way to separate programs that matter from certification hamsterwheels
It lets you quantify your ROI. If we can slash your MTJ by just 0.5, how much more money will you be earning?
You don't have time to waste time on yet another certification that produce ZERO return on investment.

Anyone can do this!

Real Results from Real People who have Crushed their MTJs.

Before After Before

Hiram Muhammad

Stillwater, OK

Before Talent Stacker

Hiram felt trapped in his job. With no clear path to promotions and pay jumps he knew something needed to change to challenge himself and progress his career! After

After Talent Stacker

MTJ: 1

In just 1 month Hiram had 4 job offers and accepted one of them which more than doubled his income! Click the video below to see his story! Before After Before

Tanya Anglin

Melbourne, Australia

Before Talent stacker

Tanya was working in the travel industry on private cruises. When the pandemic hit her business became unstable and she knew she needed to pivot quickly! After

After Talent Stacker

MTJ: 2

Just 2 months after joining Talent Stacker Tanya landed a Salesforce Consulting job in Australia! Click the video below to hear her story! Before After Before

Anita Smith

Houston, TX

Before Talent Stacker

Anita was working in hospitality. She knew the worst was coming with massive event cancellations and unheard of vacancies.  After

After Talent Stacker

MTJ: 3

In just 3 months Anita found herself in a Salesforce role, fully remote with 6 figure income. Click the image below to hear her story! Before After Before

Heather Roden

Chattanooga, TN

Before Talent Stacker

With a career in real estate Heather realized her growth potential was severely limited. She wasn’t ready to be complacent in her career goals…  After

After Talent Stacker

MTJ: 3.5

In just 3.5 months Heather found herself in a fully remote Salesforce role making almost 3x her previous income! Hear her story by clicking the image below! Before After Before

Hugh Richardson

Huntsville, TX

Before Talent Stacker

Before joining the program Hugh was a transfer truck driver. With no time for family he realized his grandson was growing up without him. He knew he had to make a drastic change… After

After Talent Stacker

MTJ: 2

Hugh now works as a consultant at Salesforce! He works from the comfort of his home and sees his family every single day. Hear more below! Before After Before

Jiyaad Naeem

Los Angeles, CA

Before Talent Stacker

Jiyaad had some technical skills, but wasn’t sure how to use them to drive success in his career. After joining Talent Stacker all of that changed… After

After Talent Stacker

MTJ: 4

In just a few short months Jiyaad had multiple offers on the table. He accepted an offer and moved to L.A. to work with one of the biggest tech companies in the world! See more below! How long will it take you to land a new Salesforce job? Let the Career Sherpa help estimate your MTJ! Launch the Career Sherpa!

Talent Stacker will give you the 5 keys to unlock your Salesforce Career.

Here's how:

1 Get the only certificate you need How to get your 1st certification and why you only need one. 2

Create an outstanding personal brand 

Why branding is so important and how to create an impressive personal brand to grab the attention of hiring managers.

3 Get guaranteed real world experience Getting guaranteed real world experience and proving your value to potential employers. 4

Master your interview skills

Sharpening your interview skills to showcase your expertise.

5 Apply for jobs and get noticed Applying for jobs in a way that gets you noticed by decision makers instead of applying and hoping for the best.

Payment Options

What you can expect from the program within 6 months:

  • Your first Salesforce Certification (if you don't already have one).
  • A LinkedIn profile that will have hiring managers knocking on your door, but which your your current employer will never find.
  • Real experience implementing Salesforce projects that potential employers love.
  • The secret code to cracking the Salesforce job interview.
  • Finding, applying, and getting shortlisted for Salesforce jobs (in case you want more options).


1 Full Payment

6 x $487/mo

6 Payments, $2,922 total

12 x $267/mo

12 Payments, $3,204 total

Most members of our program get their jobs within 6 months. How about you? Find Out Now!


Why do so many companies choose Salesforce for their CRM? Most businesses start by keeping up with their contacts in an Excel spreadsheet or a Google sheet. Eventually this list becomes very long and difficult to manage, so they buy a tool that helps them email those people more efficiently. Then they buy another tool to host their website, and a third tool to process payments. By the time they have a full company running, there are probably 10 to 15 different tools or platforms that may not work with each other, and all with different log–in credentials.  It may take up to 40 hours a week just to get the system to work together. What Salesforce does is it brings all of that together into one platform, so that a company’s employees can log into Salesforce and see everything about their customers in one place, in a fraction of the time. With Salesforce, a company’s team can look at all the information they have collected, and make informed decisions about what they can do next to serve customers better and grow their business. Why is Salesforce the dominant CRM player in the market? Salesforce presents important information about customer behavior and preferences in a modern, intuitive user interface that makes it easy for any employee in sales, marketing, customer support, logistics and product development to get more done in less time. Plus, Salesforce is not just an app, it is an entire platform.  There are thousands of third parties developing apps on the Salesforce platform, each built to bring amazing functionality to meet the needs of companies using Salesforce in hundreds of different industries and parts of the world.  These third–party developers are constantly creating cutting–edge technologies to meet the needs of a company, which makes the Salesforce platform infinitely innovative.  What is the starting pay for new Salesforce professionals? Entry-level Salesforce professionals can expect to make between $55,000 to $70,000 a year, even if they have never heard of Salesforce prior to getting certified. If they have a sales background, or maybe they have worked in a marketing department or have some other kind of relevant skill, they may earn around $65,000 to $80,000. How important is a college degree for Salesforce professionals? College has some bearing to getting a job as a Salesforce professional, but it is a secondary or even tertiary consideration. More important to recruiters than a college degree are the Salesforce certifications that you have earned, as well as any previous Salesforce experience you may have, such as volunteering with a non-profit. At that point, it is Salesforce expertise that is more interesting to a company, and how a candidate can use that expertise to increase the revenue for the business. What does a Salesforce professional’s career trajectory look like? A Salesforce career is one that is fast-moving because there isn’t enough Salesforce talent to meet the needs of an ever-growing demand.  A junior person within the ranks of Salesforce professionals is usually someone who has less than 3 years of experience. From year 3 and on, a Salesforce professional becomes an intermediate or even expert–level resource, and once they get past year 5, it’s as good as getting tenure. So, a new person can expect around $55,000 – $70,000 a year, even without technical expertise or a college degree. Then, in the second year, that amount goes up to between $80,000 to $90,000, and in the third year, it will likely be at least $100,000 a year. Around year 5, you’ll probably tap out at about $130,000 to $150,000 as a full-time individual.  But if this person leaves the company and joins a Salesforce consulting firm, they can push the income up to the $150,000 to $180,000 range.  And if they go into business for themselves and do freelance Salesforce consulting, that amount can go up to $200,000 to $300,000. Ok, it’s clear that Salesforce can be a fun and lucrative career. But is it a good fit for me? The first thing to consider is whether this is even something you want to be doing, something that you would even mildly enjoy. Does the idea of thinking about the way a business works appeal to you? How a business targets new leads, and how it nurtures that relationship whenever a form is filled, a call is made, an email is sent? How a business figures out if the lead is a good fit for its product or service? How that product or service is sold, and how support is provided after the sale? If you think getting a better understanding or getting involved in that process could be even slightly fun or interesting, then you are great fit for a Salesforce career. The other thing is, you need to make sure you understand the career path, and that you want to be involved in the tech space in general. Then, join the free 5-Day Salesforce Challenge, where you’re going to get walked through exactly how to get set up on the free Trailhead training site by Salesforce, and how to dip your toes in and figure out your first steps. And by the time you get to Day 5 of the Challenge, you will have a really good idea if you have a future in Salesforce. Talent Stacker Logo_stacked_white wordmark What Might Your Month-To-JoB Be? How many months might it take you to land a Salesforce job? Answer 4 questions in the Career Sherpa quiz to find out! Launch The Career Sherpa!