Study Smarter for Your Cert in 2023 | Ep 032

Whether you’re just getting started or already have a couple up your sleeve, studying for a certification can be a daunting task. With over 40 kinds available and an overflow of resources to learn with, it can be a struggle knowing where or how to even start!

In this week’s episode, 10x certified Dave Massey joins us to talk Salesforce certifications, including which one to get, how to study effectively, and where to find trustworthy sources. We also take a closer look at the Associate Certification and explain how it can help those looking to get started.

If you’re looking to build your Salesforce knowledge in a way that’s intuitive and efficient, be sure to check out Dave’s training platform Get Force Certified in the links and resources below.

Handy Timestamps

4:40: Dave gives his perspective on the associate certification, and how it’s changed things for the Salesforce community.

6:40: We go over some helpful tips to deal with exam anxiety.

11:15: Dave explains the origin story of Get Force Certified.

19:50: Should you bother taking the Associate Cert if you already have other certifications?

21:30: Brad stresses the importance of following advice from trustworthy sources.

26:50: How did he do it all? Dave breaks down the strategies he used when studying for all his certifications.

34:10: Our guest talks about what sets Get Force Certified apart from other Salesforce training platforms.

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