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Salesforce Career Accelerator Toolkit

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Stories From Talent Stacker Accelerators

Climbing The Salesforce Ladder
Landing Freelance Clients
Negotiating For Raises and Promotions
Starting A Consultancy & Being Supported
Getting Side Clients
5 New Clients
US Clients from Outside of the US
Consistently Finding Clients

What's in the Career Accelerator Toolkit

You'll unlock videos, guides and downloadable templates for developing a Brand Strategy, your Career Plan, Negotiation Templates, Overcoming Imposter Syndrome, Utilizing AI in your career and much more!

Brand Strategy Guide

With the Brand Strategy Guide you take a look at yourself to determine "Who you are as a Salesforce Pro?", "What Salesforce role or vertical you are in now & hope to be in the future?", "If you are currently looking to transition roles & what your goals are for your next role?", "What value you bring to your clients.", "What feeling(s) you want to convey as a pro in the Salesforce space?" plus more!

Career Plan & Journal

Instantly download our template with a full instructional video, our SMART goal setting methodology and proven process to ensure you are prepared! Prepared for what? Prepared to achieve your career/life goals, for annual performance reviews, impactful negotiations, interviews and more!

Salary Negotiation Template

Perhaps you have been in your role for a while and you are looking to transition to a new position. This can be both a scary and exciting time. One of the biggest pieces of transitioning to a new role where people need support is the salary negotiation. Having a well thought out plan and strategy for your salary negotiation can make all the difference in asking and getting what you want.

Using AI to Advance Your Career

One of the primary tools that is drastically changing the Salesforce landscape is AI. GPT is a language model capable of generating human-like text. For Salesforce professionals, GPT can be a valuable creative tool to assist in day-to-day job functionality, drafting resumes, preparing for interviews and in org functionality.

Controlling Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is real and is defined in this way – a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a “fraud”. If you have felt these feelings, you are not at fault and you are not alone. We’ve ALL been there. Now let's learn to control this reality and drive success in spite of it!

Unlock Your Salesforce Career Potential with Our

Free Career Accelerator Toolkit!

career accelerator toolkit

At Talent Stacker, we specialize in helping professionals navigate their career journeys. Our new Salesforce Career Accelerator Program is designed to provide you with career guidance and community support to transform your career and life.

We know transformation requires a big commitment, and we want to ensure you're ready. Our FREE Career Accelerator Toolkit offers a mini-version of our full program, packed with valuable tools to kickstart your journey. From identifying career goals and brand strategy to negotiating your salary and preparing for the future of Salesforce - we've got you covered!