AI is The Biggest Topic In The Salesforce Ecosystem
If you aren’t paying attention to Artificial Intelligence as a Salesforce professional then you choosing to get swallowed by the wave. Just look at Salesforce themselves, the term “AI” is used 19 times on the Salesforce home page alone, almost every Dreamforce speaking session revolves around AI and future Salesforce releases are AI heavy. With any monster wave of new information comes a need for existing professionals to adapt and upskill into the latest trends. However, this also means paid training offerings are going to come with it. Some good, some great and some down right usless. In this article we’re going to be diving into one new training company in particular and see if they pass the test.

AI Force Training
AI Force Training boomed onto the Salesforce scene seemingly out of nowhere. They quickly amassed 10k+ followers on social platforms and for some time it seemed like everyone’s LinkedIn feed was flooded with AI Force related shout-outs, reviews and posts. This following surpassed almost every long term Salesforce Workforce Partner immediately, but how did this happen and how can we determine if they’re worthy of this traction?
The Road to The Top of Salesforce AI Training
- Partnering with SuperMums: Right out of the gates AI Force Founder – Mark Good produced a partnership with long standing Salesforce Workforce partner SuperMums led by Heather Black. This gave AI Force some immediate credibility and awareness throughout the Salesforce ecosystem as they led 10 week AI Training bootcamps for the Salesforce community.
- Becoming a Salesforce Workforce Partner: AI Force was also immediately recognized as a Salesforce Workforce Partner which is remarkable. In contrast Talent Stacker applied to be a Workforce Partner for over 2 years before being accepted. AI Force was accepted within months, this means Salesforce saw the value very quickly and were fast to accept the request. This once again layered on credbility across the ecosystem.
- GPT Dreamin’ – Annual Salesforce AI Event: If you’ve been in the Salesforce ecosystem for any amount of time you’ll know about Dreamin’ events. Again, another immediate monster win was the partnership between esteemed Salesforce ecosystem entreprenuer Ian Gotts, founder and CEO of Elements.Cloud, an incredible Salesforce COE Intelligence Platform. Instantly this virtual Dreamin’ event was a success with speakers globally including top AI voices from Salesforce joining in to lend their nod of approval to this new event.
All of this combined led to a quick push to the front of the Salesforce AI Training movement. Partnered with Salesforce and other Workforce Partners on multiple initiatives and instant awareness of the brand insued. Talent Stacker seeing this movement reached out and locked in some time with Mark Good on the Salesforce For Everyone podcast. Be sure to listen below for a deep-dive into the mind of the founder, Mark Good.
What Are People Saying About Paid AI Force Training Though?
After scouring LinkedIn we were able to find individuals who had actually paid for training through AI Force or one of it’s partnership trainings and the results were impeccable. We found learners who were looking to land their first jobs all the way up to Cheif Technical Officers and Salesforce Certified Technical Architects all giving raving reviews of the training.
- “Delighted to complete this GPT Specialist Certification. It was awesome to learn where AI could support me in various areas of Salesforce including Validation Rules, Formula Fields, SOQL, Triggers, Promt Engineering, Flow GPT and so much more. Thank you to Mark Good for the fantastic content and brillians support along the journey. I found the real life use cases incredibly helpful and simple to understand” – Liam O’Shea – Salesforce Training Instructor
- “Just completed the fantastic AI and GPT related course from Mark Good and the AI Force Training Academy! A wonderful introdutcion to increasing your productivity in Salesforce through effective prompt generation techniques. It’s remarkable the power that LLMs have today in aiding Salesforce and other language admins and developers to rapidly speed up their time0to-market of quality solutions.” Mitesh Mistry – Chief Technical Officer and Salesforce CTA
- “Mark Good, thank you for the best training program I have taken, and that is saying a lot! I learned more about Salesforce functions, SOQL, flows, formulas, and validation rules than 3 years of Trailhead and hands on large scale project in the CRM. Your AI Force Training is a true jewel!” – Christy Johnson – Marketing Cloud Administrator & Business Analyst
Overall reviews range from neutral to extremely positive across LinkedIn and Facebook User Groups. We were able to find some negative feedback but only from anonymous accounts who largely appear not to have actually used the training.
How To Learn More About Salesforce AI
With all of that being said we feel confident in saying that YES AI Force Training is legit and it works for those who take it seriously and are open to learning a newly developing technology and how it adds to their current role. For that reason we are confident in sharing some of the resources availabe from AI Force Training here.
Discover Salesforce: Free Salesforce AI Flow GPT Course
🌟 New to Salesforce AI? This is for you! 🌟
Start with the Free Flow GPT Course I actually worked with Mark to do some cool things myself and highly recommend this one!
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