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How To Find a Mentor as a Salesforce Professional

Posted by Bradley Rice

Having a great mentor can make a world of difference when transitioning into a Salesforce career or even when you're an established Salesforce professional looking for that next path to success. However, finding a mentor that's a good fit for you can be challenging. It can be awkward to contact people you don't really know and ask for guidance, and it can be even more anxiety-inducing to ask them to meet with you or officially mentor you. In this article, we're going to outline:

  • Understanding What You Need - A Clear Ask
  • How To Find The Right Mentor For Your Goals
  • Free Community Funded Mentorship Platform
  • Strategies To Find Mentors In The Wild
  • When It's Time For A New Mentor
  • How To Be A Mentor To Others
  • Other Free Resources To Start or Level Up Your Salesforce Career

Understanding What You Need - A Clear Ask

First things first, we have to identify what your goals are. If you're looking to attain a shiny new certification, you'll need someone who has that cert, is a good educator, and is interested in teaching on that topic. Maybe you're confused as to whether you should be a Salesforce Administrator, Business Analyst, Project Manager, Support Specialist, Developer, or something else entirely. For that, you're going to need someone with broad experience and an understanding of what these roles are and how your personal interests might align better with specific roles. Or maybe you're already in a role but wondering how you can make more because you feel underpaid. No matter the case, it's important to understand your goal so that when you reach out to a prospective mentor, you can communicate a "clear ask."

What's a "clear ask"? A clear ask is when you can simply, in two to three sentences, tell someone what you're hoping they can help you with. If you haven't put the time into thinking about what you need from someone, then it's very clear to them you want them to do the work for you. A mentor never does the work for you; they are your guide.

Key Point 📝

Note that mentors don't respond well to your clear ask being "I need you to get me a job" or "Do you know someone who is hiring? I'm ready to start immediately." This type of communication shows an abundance of take mentality without communicating the effort you've put in or any clear understanding of your goal.

You would have much better luck with something like,

"I've noticed people seem to really respect you for your knowledge around Salesforce Interviews and hiring. I interviewed for a role last week, and this was their feedback. Would you mind giving me some pointers at your convenience?" or "I'm transitioning from being a stay-at-home parent to a Salesforce career. I noticed that you were able to do that a couple of years ago. That's really amazing, and congratulations! I'm already Administrator Certified and applying for roles. Do you mind sharing any tips on what made the difference in your success?"

You can clearly see how your ability to first identify your current goal, communicate that goal, and clearly ask for help can really improve your odds of getting positive attention from potential mentors. Now that we have our "clear ask," we can move on to ways to find mentors in the Salesforce ecosystem!

How To Find The Right Mentor For Your Goals

Your unique goals require a unique mentor. For example, if you are brand new to Salesforce and still working on landing your first job or even your first certification, you won't be as well served by aligning with a 20x Certified Salesforce Architect. On the contrary, if you have 3 years of experience and are looking to level up your career into architecture, or get started with Salesforce freelancing, you don't need a mentor who just landed their first role less than a year ago.

Now imagine you're looking to land your first role. You're transitioning from 7 years as a stay-at-home mom, and you find a mentor that is 1 year into their new career. They also recently transitioned from being a stay-at-home mom, have recent experience, and the advice you need is fresh in their minds... now that's a great fit!

Examples of Mentor-Mentee Alignment

  1. New to Salesforce: Connect with someone who recently transitioned into a Salesforce role and can provide current, relevant advice.
  2. Looking to Level Up: Seek out a mentor with advanced certifications or extensive experience in the areas you're aiming to grow into.
  3. Career Transition: Find someone who has successfully navigated a similar career path and can offer insights specific to your journey.

Alignment is key. The closer your mentor's recent experience aligns with your current goals, the more valuable their guidance will be.

Are you transitioning into a Salesforce career from a completely different background?

Take a look at our Career Transtion Resources to find the exact guidance you need based on your unique and valuable background.

Free Community Funded Mentorship Platform

One of the best resources available is the free Trailblazer Mentorship Platform. This platform has already served over 300 mentees in the first 6 months since it was launched, thanks to the generosity of 40+ mentors who are helping to make this possible. This came on the heels of Salesforce shutting down their Mentorship Program in 2023, leaving the Salesforce community desperately needing a simpler way to find meaningful mentorship experiences.

Mentorship is powerful. It can change lives, provide clarity, and accelerate your career. Below, we'll share some videos and messages from Mentees and Mentors who have benefitted from this amazing platform.

Watch These Trailblazer Mentorship Platform Stories 🎉

Warren Walters - 18x Certified Salesforce MVP
Kristy & Anna Share Their Mentorship Story
Christina & Rachael Share Their Mentorship Story

I have had the honor of mentoring through the 💫 Trailblazer Mentorship Platform these past few months and I have absolutely loved it. I'm so excited for what these amazing mentees are accomplishing. If you haven't yet signed up to be a mentor or mentee (or both!) - go do that now! 🎖 This has gotten me thinking 🤔 about how much I love the mentorship process and how everyone should have access to a mentor if they want one. To that end, I'd like to offer some open hours for anyone who would like to stop by talk Salesforce, job search, or anything else that I can help with. I plan to open up an hour or two a week for this, but the details are still in the works. DM me if you're interested 😎

Testimonial from    Rose McIntosh - Mentor

Rose McIntosh - Mentor

Salesforce Project Manager

As I reflect on my recent mentorship journey, I am filled with gratitude and a renewed vigor. For four weeks, I had the privilege of being mentored by the remarkable Mark Good, an AI expert and an accomplished Salesforce professional. His positivity, insight, and knowledge were constant presences during our time together. Mark’s guidance was crucial in helping me address imposter syndrome and strategically prepare for the future. One of the most unique aspects of this mentorship was Mark’s creation of a personalized GPT coach for me. He not only introduced me to this innovative tool but also guided me through the process of its creation, sharing best practices and pitfalls. His methodical approach to problem-solving and solution development has left a lasting impression. Personal stories and experiences resonate deeply with me. Mark shared insights into his early career, including the struggles, triumphs, and the areas where early efforts paid off. For me, there is simply no substitute for learning from an experienced person’s perspective. Mark’s mentorship has solidified my interest in AI, turning curiosity into a passion. I am profoundly grateful to Mark, Bradley Rice, Talent Stacker | Salesforce Career Development Program, and their incredible Trailblazer Mentorship Platform for this transformative experience. As I move forward, I am excited to pay it forward. I hope to secure an Admin position, grow from there, and inspire others as Mark has inspired me. To anyone who gets the chance to work with him: seize it. You’ll be in the hands of one of the best!

Testimonial from    Brent Miller - Mentee

Brent Miller - Mentee

Aspiring Salesforce Administrator

My mentee, was fresh out of college, brimming with enthusiasm but understandably nervous. She had a solid foundation in Salesforce, but her career path felt like a blurry forest trail. Our first few calls were filled with her anxieties – is a Salesforce admin role right for me? Can I break into consulting? The self-doubt was palpable. I found myself becoming more invested than I ever expected. I wasn't just teaching her about workflows and automation; I was coaching her on building confidence, navigating office politics, and learning to advocate for herself. We'd dissect job postings, practice interview responses, and I even connected her with some colleagues in the consulting world. Slowly, but surely, she started blossoming. She landed a coveted internship at a Salesforce partner company, and her emails went from hesitant questions to enthusiastic updates about her projects. The transformation was remarkable. One evening, I received an email from her, not with a question, but with a heartfelt thank you. She told me that the Trailblazer program, and specifically my mentorship, had been a turning point in her life. She landed her dream job after graduation, and the skills and confidence I helped her build were a huge factor. Tears welled up in my eyes as I read her email. Sure, I'd helped her navigate the Salesforce world, but the real reward was witnessing her personal growth. In mentoring her, I'd rediscovered my own passion for the Salesforce community, the joy of sharing knowledge, and the power of human connection. The Trailblazer program didn't just change her life; it changed mine too. It showed me the profound impact a mentor can have, and it reignited a fire in me to keep learning, growing, and giving back. Now, I not only mentor in the program, but I actively recruit others to join, spreading the message that mentorship isn't a one-way street – it's a journey of mutual growth and inspiration.

Testimonial from    Naman Markan - Mentor

Naman Markan - Mentor

5x Certified - Salesforce Manager

Strategies To Find Mentors In The Wild

2 Proven Ways to Find an Amazing Mentor

  1. Coffee Chats: Network effectively for organic coffee chats that lead to long-term mentorship. Use community groups, LinkedIn, and proper communication to find mentors who are ready to help. Remember, a Clear Ask is so important here. A coffee chat is an informal meeting, usually over coffee, where you can ask questions and get to know each other. Come prepared with specific questions and be respectful of their time.

  2. Mentors on the Job: If you're already in a Salesforce role, there can be mentors at every corner. Your new coworker, manager, or even a manager in another department that you ended up on a project with and seem to hit it off with could be great mentors. Finding mentors among your coworkers and organically transitioning from coworker to mentee can be a natural and effective approach.

When It's Time For A New Mentor

There are times when you may have outgrown your mentor, and it's simply time to thank them and start looking for your next mentor. Some scenarios where this might be the case include:

  • Achieving Your Initial Goals: You've accomplished the goals you set out with your mentor, and now you're looking to reach new heights.
  • New Career Direction: Your career path has taken a new direction that requires a different type of guidance.
  • Different Expertise Needed: You need expertise in a different area that your current mentor cannot provide.
  • The Vibe is Off: You may simply not feel comfortable with your mentor, they may not communicate in a way that is clear to you and odds are if you feel this way, they do too.

Recognizing when it's time to move on is crucial for your continued growth and success.

How To Be A Mentor To Others

No one can ever be a mentee if there aren't people willing to be mentors. You might be surprised at how much YOU can be a mentor to someone else, even if at this very moment you aren't sure what value you bring. We all have value to the person one step behind us.

Consider applying to be a mentor for the Trailblazer Mentorship Platform.

We will evaluate your answers to a handful of questions and compare that to the needs of individuals who have applied to be mentees. If you're a fit, we will invite you to join the platform, and it has life-changing impacts beyond your imagination. Why not give it a shot?

🌟 Apply Now to Be a Mentor or Mentee 🌟

It's 100% FREE Apply Today and we will walk you through finding your next mentee or mentor!


Mentorship is a vital component of career development, especially in the Salesforce ecosystem. Whether you're just starting out or looking to advance your career, finding the right mentor can provide invaluable guidance and support. We've discussed understanding your goals, finding the right mentor, utilizing free and paid mentorship platforms, and even the importance of becoming a mentor yourself.

Other Free Resources To Start or Level Up Your Salesforce Career

Mentorship is just part of the puzzle when it comes to your career, you can't expect a mentor to know everything. Here are some ways to learn more on your own and blaze your own trail!

🌟 Are you new to Salesforce? 🌟

Start with our Free 5-Day Challenge to get a hands-on introduction to the world of Salesforce. Perfect for beginners!

🔗 Want Help Launching Your Salesforce Career? 🔗
Check out our Career Development Program designed to train you into job-ready talent and land a job in 4-6 months. This is our flagship program - find the details here!

🌟 Already a Salesforce Pro? Let's Take Your Career To New Heights 🌟
Check out our Free Career Accelerator Toolkit & Full Career Accelerator Program Information learn to freelance, start your own business, negotiate for a raise, land your dream job and more!

Special thank you to all of the Trailblazer Mentorship Platform Sponsors

Titan | Wired Brains | AI Force | Cloud Code | BreezyBit | Coefficient | Gaggle Social